Bibliographie REHABase

Barbalat, G., Maréchal, L., Plasse, J., Chéreau-Boudet, I., Gouache, B., Legros-Lafarge, E., Massoubre, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Haesebaert, F., & Franck, N. (2024). Functioning, clinical severity, education and sex moderate the inverse relationship between insight and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 264, 149‑156.
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Barbalat, G., Maréchal, L., Plasse, J., Chéreau-Boudet, I., Gouache, B., Legros-Lafarge, E., Massoubre, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Haesebaert, F., Cohen, R. F., & Franck, N. (2024). Differential associations between insight and quality-of-life dimensions among individuals with schizophrenia. Rehabilitation Psychology, 69(2), 184 194.

Barbalat, G., Plasse, J., Chéreau-Boudet, I., Gouache, B., Legros-Lafarge, E., Massoubre, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Haesebaert, F., & Franck, N. (2024). Contribution of socio-demographic and clinical characteristics to predict initial referrals to psychosocial interventions in patients with serious mental illness. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 33, e2.
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Barbalat, G., Plasse, J., Gauthier, E., Verdoux, H., Quiles, C., Dubreucq, J., Legros-Lafarge, E., Jaafari, N., Massoubre, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Haesebaert, F., & Franck, N. (2022). The central role of self-esteem in the quality of life of patients with mental disorders. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 7852.
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Dubreucq, J., Martin, A., Gabayet, F., Plasse, J., Wiesepape, C., Quilès, C., Verdoux, H., Franck, N., & Lysaker, P. H. (2022). Contrasting the Social Cognitive and Metacognitive Capacities Among Patients With Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders Enrolled in Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 210(10), 747‑753.

Dubreucq, J., Plasse, J., Gabayet, F., Faraldo, M., Blanc, O., Chereau, I., Cervello, S., Couhet, G., Demily, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Gouache, B., Jaafari, N., Legrand, G., Legros-Lafarge, E., Pommier, R., Quilès, C., Straub, D., Verdoux, H., Vignaga, F., … Franck, N. (2020). Self-stigma in serious mental illness and autism spectrum disorder  : Results from the REHABase national psychiatric rehabilitation cohort. European Psychiatry, 63(1), e13.

Dubreucq, J., Plasse, J., Gabayet, F., Faraldo, M., Blanc, O., Chereau, I., Cervello, S., Couhet, G., Demily, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Gouache, B., Jaafari, N., Legrand, G., Legros-Lafarge, E., Pommier, R., Quilès, C., Straub, D., Verdoux, H., Vignaga, F., … Franck, N. (2020). Stigma resistance is associated with advanced stages of personal recovery in serious mental illness patients enrolled in psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychological Medicine, 1‑11.

Dubreucq, M., Plasse, J., Gabayet, F., Blanc, O., Chereau, I., Cervello, S., Couhet, G., Demily, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Gouache, B., Jaafari, N., Legrand, G., Legros-Lafarge, E., Mora, G., Pommier, R., Quilès, C., Verdoux, H., Massoubre, C., Franck, N., & Dubreucq, J. (2021). Being parent is associated with suicidal history in people with serious mental illness enrolled in psychiatric rehabilitation. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 140, 395‑408.

Dubreucq, M., Plasse, J., Gabayet, F., Blanc, O., Chereau, I., Cervello, S., Couhet, G., Demily, C., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Gouache, B., Jaafari, N., Legrand, G., Legros-Lafarge, E., Mora, G., Pommier, R., Quilès, C., Verdoux, H., Vignaga, F., Massoubre, C., … Dubreucq, J. (2021). Sex Differences in Recovery-Related Outcomes and Needs for Psychiatric Rehabilitation in People With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 82(4).
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Franck, N., Bon, L., Dekerle, M., Plasse, J., Massoubre, C., Pommier, R., Legros-Lafarge, E., Jaafari, N., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Quilès, C., Couhet, G., Verdoux, H., Gouache, B., Martin, B., Cervello, S., Demily, C., & Dubreucq, J. (2019). Satisfaction and Needs in Serious Mental Illness and Autism Spectrum Disorder  : The REHABase Psychosocial Rehabilitation Project. Psychiatric Services, 70(4), 316‑323.
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Lio, G., Ghazzai, M., Haesebaert, F., Dubreucq, J., Verdoux, H., Quiles, C., Jaafari, N., Chéreau, I., Legros, E., Guillard, N., Massoubre, C., Gouache, B., Plasse, J., Barbalat, G., Franck, N., & Demily, C. (2022). Actionable Predictive Factors of Homelessness in a Psychiatric Population  : Results from the REHABase Cohort Using a Machine Learning Approach. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 12.

Verdoux, H., Quiles, C., Bon, L., Chéreau-Boudet, I., Dubreucq, J., Fiegi, L., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Massoubre, C., Plasse, J., & Franck, N. (2020). Impact of anticholinergic load on functioning and cognitive performances of persons with psychosis referred to psychosocial rehabilitation centers. Psychological Medicine, 1‑9.

Verdoux, H., Quiles, C., Bon, L., Chéreau-Boudet, I., Dubreucq, J., Legros-Lafarge, E., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Massoubre, C., Plasse, J., & Franck, N. (2020). Characteristics associated with self-reported medication adherence in persons with psychosis referred to psychosocial rehabilitation centers. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.

Verdoux, H., Quiles, C., Cervello, S., Dubreucq, J., Bon, L., Massoubre, C., Pommier, R., Legros-Lafarge, E., Jaafari, N., Guillard-Bouhet, N., Chéreau-Boudet, I., Couhet, G., Plasse, J., & Franck, N. (2019). Functioning and cognitive characteristics of clozapine users referred to psychosocial rehabilitation centers  : A REHABase cohort study. Psychiatry Research, 281, 112543.
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